Te Reo
- Author By gbsmaejort
- Publication date September 21, 2022
- Categories: Hanga | Create
- Tags: Te reo
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Today we went to Te oro in Glen Innes.We went there so we could make Poi.It was Wedendsay 14th September.
What you need to make it.
grab some foam,
cut it into a circle,
grab some different colured wool (thin),
plait the 3 wool,
tie it at the end,
grab another piece of foam (SQUARE),
get thin wool again and wrap around the top knot,
put a hole into the circle foam that you made,
Stuff the plaited thing in the hole,
Wrap plastic around the circle foam,
Cut off the extra’s.
And there you have it, your own poi.
This is what came up.
Today for math we learnt about converting percentages to fraction and decimals and vice versa.The blue coluor is the uestion and the red is the anwser.Enjoy
Every Friday the year 7 and 8’s go to Tech.The year eights go to Robotics and Cooking and year sevens do Science and Pewter work.I’m year 7 and I did Pewter work,Pewter is a kind of metal that can be weld into a hard kind of metal.For my Pewter work I made a shoe out of pewter.Our Techer’s name is Mr.Grundy,our teaher is a very experienced person that knows a lot about pewter.We had to pick out anything that can be weld into pewter and for who it will be for.I picked a shoe because I love shoes,here is the link if you want to look at it